Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tomorrow I get to speak to our youth about Solitude. It's not an amazingly exciting topic, but I'm excited about it. I don't think that speaking is one of my gifts, but I enjoy it every once in awhile.

Today I went to the funeral of one of my student's fathers. I was amazed at how strong my student handled himself. It's so hard to see something like that happen. After the funeral, Averie and I decided that we needed some "happy times" so we went to Starbucks. It helped.

Vanessa and I managed to take the dogs for a walk today. I haven't laughed that hard in so long. The dogs kept getting tangled up in each other. It really was quite humorous.

Pat starts his speaking tonight for Second Baptist's Ski Retreat. I'm excited for him because I know that God is going to work within the youth.

God is so good. I love it when I can feel God's presence in my life.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Home Alone (Almost)

Pat is doing a wedding for two of our close friends this weekend. I am so excited that they are getting married, and really bummed that I couldn't be there in sunny Florida with them. With Pat gone, that leaves me and Bora! Bora is putting up with me, although I know she eagerly awaits Pats return.

While Pat has been gone, things have been a little off. I've been a little more clutsy than normal. Last night I was so excited about making a chocolate banana smoothie that was actually healthy. I put in all the ingredients and mixed it. When I was pouring it into the glass, the bottom of the blender glass fell off and smoothie went EVERYWHERE. All last night I thought about how careless I was. Then this morning when I was going to try my luck again, I noticed that there was a piece that is broken. No wonder smoothie was everywhere.

One cool thing that God does in marriages sometimes is pulls us apart. What I mean by that is that everytime Pat and I are separated, I have the time to reflect and realize to a greater degree how great he really is. We truly serve an awesome God that despite his magnitude, knows our individual needs.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Healthy Lifestyle

In my life I've always gone through phases where my eating habits are concerned. I go from eating foods that will give my body the nutrients I need and cause me to live a healthier life to eating like I did Sunday night at the Perry fair. My meal consisted of a famous turkey leg, a roasted corn on the cob, half a funnel cake, and believe it or not, some french fries. What was I thinking? But this short digression into the worst foods you can eat has started me to think.

I really do desire to eat healthy. I want the food that I consume to help my body, not hurt it. Don't get me wrong, come Thanksgiving, I am definitely having all the delicious food, but I'm not making that my lifestyle.

There are some foods that I know I need to stop eating that will be extremely hard:
1. French Fries
2. Ice Cream
3. Basically any fried food
4. Diet Coke

Friday, September 29, 2006

School thoughts

I love my job. This year, teaching has been incredible. I feel like I'm finally becoming a teacher.

I've never thought that my life would be in danger at school. But when I start to think about the two situations that have happened in schools this past week, I am baffled. How does a man with several guns get into a classroom and take six girls hostage? Then there is the kid that killed his principal. How do these things happen? I've never feared my life at school, although I've definitely had a few students that showed traits that were similar to the kid that killed his principal. This baffles me.

I know that God is still in control. He has a plan.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lake Party

We just finished our second youth lake party ever! Although I'm exhausted, the party was great. We were able to ride on some wave runners, hang out at the lake, and spend some time here at the house. We definitely had a good time playing DDR, shooting pool, and playing XBOX. There was plenty of food to go around, so overall, I would say that it was a success!

One thing I love is how excited teenagers get! It really doesn't take much to make them happy. Tonight they definitely encouraged me to enjoy life more :)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

me on vacation!

Walking the dog

Bora and I just got back from a nice walk/jog at the lake. I love getting outside and exercising. It's especially great since Bora can get her exercise as well. I know she's gotten a good workout when she comes in and lays on the kitchen floor. It's cooler than the carpet.

Pat got me a device that hooks into my ipod and clocks how fast I go, how many calories I burn, and other great features. After I finish a workout, I plug my ipod into the computer and it takes me to a site that records every run that I've done. I can compare every run and set goals for myself. Having this encourages me to get out more.

As Bora and I were out walking today I didn't need to put Bora on a leash. She was super obedient. It made me proud to be her "mom." As I was smiling at her I started thinking about how I am like her in my dealings with God. Sometimes I'm totally obedient, I am serving my master and feel like we are one. Then other days, I run off and do my own thing. I eventually make my way back, but not before I have mud on my face.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

3 years

Pat and I have officially been married for three years. Counting the years of marriage is a strange thing. Sometimes I feel like we've been married for so much longer and other times I feel like it was yesterday. I'm so thankful that God gave me the good sense to marry Pat. He truly is an amazing man. I've learned so much by watching his lead and example.
Tomorrow we are actually celebrating our anniversary. He got some great reservations at a restaraunt in Atlanta. It's called Dante's Down the Hatch. We are going to eat in a ship! They have live Jazz music and the food is supposed to be amazing. I love having fun experiences!

I love you Pat.