Friday, September 29, 2006

School thoughts

I love my job. This year, teaching has been incredible. I feel like I'm finally becoming a teacher.

I've never thought that my life would be in danger at school. But when I start to think about the two situations that have happened in schools this past week, I am baffled. How does a man with several guns get into a classroom and take six girls hostage? Then there is the kid that killed his principal. How do these things happen? I've never feared my life at school, although I've definitely had a few students that showed traits that were similar to the kid that killed his principal. This baffles me.

I know that God is still in control. He has a plan.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lake Party

We just finished our second youth lake party ever! Although I'm exhausted, the party was great. We were able to ride on some wave runners, hang out at the lake, and spend some time here at the house. We definitely had a good time playing DDR, shooting pool, and playing XBOX. There was plenty of food to go around, so overall, I would say that it was a success!

One thing I love is how excited teenagers get! It really doesn't take much to make them happy. Tonight they definitely encouraged me to enjoy life more :)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

me on vacation!

Walking the dog

Bora and I just got back from a nice walk/jog at the lake. I love getting outside and exercising. It's especially great since Bora can get her exercise as well. I know she's gotten a good workout when she comes in and lays on the kitchen floor. It's cooler than the carpet.

Pat got me a device that hooks into my ipod and clocks how fast I go, how many calories I burn, and other great features. After I finish a workout, I plug my ipod into the computer and it takes me to a site that records every run that I've done. I can compare every run and set goals for myself. Having this encourages me to get out more.

As Bora and I were out walking today I didn't need to put Bora on a leash. She was super obedient. It made me proud to be her "mom." As I was smiling at her I started thinking about how I am like her in my dealings with God. Sometimes I'm totally obedient, I am serving my master and feel like we are one. Then other days, I run off and do my own thing. I eventually make my way back, but not before I have mud on my face.