Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Healthy Lifestyle

In my life I've always gone through phases where my eating habits are concerned. I go from eating foods that will give my body the nutrients I need and cause me to live a healthier life to eating like I did Sunday night at the Perry fair. My meal consisted of a famous turkey leg, a roasted corn on the cob, half a funnel cake, and believe it or not, some french fries. What was I thinking? But this short digression into the worst foods you can eat has started me to think.

I really do desire to eat healthy. I want the food that I consume to help my body, not hurt it. Don't get me wrong, come Thanksgiving, I am definitely having all the delicious food, but I'm not making that my lifestyle.

There are some foods that I know I need to stop eating that will be extremely hard:
1. French Fries
2. Ice Cream
3. Basically any fried food
4. Diet Coke